Ļoti īsas ziņas 2013-10-29


NASA gatavojas sava jaunā pilotējamā kosmiskā kuģa pirmajam izmēģinājuma lidojumam.
Sandiego, Kalifornija - NASA gatavojas uzsākt lidojumus ar pilotējamiem kosmosa kuģiem, mazāk par gadu ir palicis līdz pirmajam kuģa „Orion” izmēģinājuma lidojumam, pagaidām bez cilvēkiem.
NASA Orion kapsulu novietos uz nesējraķetes Delta IV Heavy, ar tās palīdzību no Floridas Kanaveralas zemes raga (Cape Canaveral Air Force Station) kuģis startēs 2014. gada septembrī. Nepilotējamā misija, kas pazīstama kā Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1), paredz pacelšanos kosmosā, ātrgaitas ieniršanu Zemes atmosfērā, lai novērtētu siltuma vairogu un atklātu kļūmes un beidzot nolaišanos ar izpletni Klusajā okeānā.



"Mēs esam uz pareizā ceļa," teica Lerijs Praiss, Orion programmas vadītāja vietnieks no Lockheed Martin aerokosmiskās firmas, kas būvē Orion priekš NASA. Galīgie pārbaužu, aerodinamiskie izmēģinājumu rezultāti un programmatūru, strukturālā testēšana, kļūdu un citu risku mazināšanas neskaitāmā novērtēšana nozīmē to, ka "tu esi tuvu ceļa galam," - viņš teica.

Amerikāņu jaunā kosmiskā kuģa nolaižamais aparāts.



Peter Jackson
Hi everyone! Less than two months 'til we open “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” on December 13, and we're in the midst of an intense post-production.
However, we have got a pretty cool fan event planned for Monday, November 4, and I would like to invite you to join me and many members of the cast in a special live presentation. We’ll be appearing before live audiences in cities around the world, including London, New York, Los Angeles and, of course, here in Wellington – which, for Kiwi fans, is going to be Tuesday, November 5.
This is how it's going to work: the 4 host cinemas will all have members of the "Desolation of Smaug" cast on stage, and we'll all be satellite-linked to allow everyone to participate in a simultaneous Q&A ... as well as present a few special surprises. Additional cinemas will be set up in select locations worldwide where fans can gather and watch the events unfold live.
If you can’t be there in person the event will also be streamed live on the internet.
But for those that do show up in the cinemas... let's just say that I'm going to have a special "thank you" from me for making that extra effort.
Be sure to check the official Facebook and Twitter pages for details on locations, timing, and how to sign up for a chance to join us.
We're working around the clock at the moment, so I'm not going to get a lot of sleep between then and now, but I am looking forward to this. Hope to see you there!
Pītera Džeksona vēsts par Hobita 2. daļu. No Facebook.